Convention 2025
Convention 2025
Convention 2025

DELEGATE information


House of Delegates

The House of Delegates is the body of Sigma that holds legislative and judicial powers. According to the bylaws, each chapter must have representation to act on its behalf in the House of Delegates for items of business before the organization. It is vital that every chapter is represented and has a voice, so your service as a delegate is truly appreciated!

For the 48th Biennial Convention, the House of Delegates will take place from 11-12 November. This is a synchronous event, and all delegates (in-person and virtual) must be available during the posted times in order to participate and cast their votes in real-time. These sessions will include voting on proposed bylaws and articles of incorporation amendments and the slate of international officers, reporting on the activities of the biennium, and recognition of award recipients and new chapters.

Chapters should identify delegates in the Chapter Management System (CMS) by 1 June 2025.

Communication to delegates starts early, so it is imperative to appoint them on time. Each chapter has two delegate positions to fill. One person can fill both roles but needs to be designated in the Chapter Management System as both Convention Delegate 1 and Convention Delegate 2 for that individual to cast both chapter votes during the proceedings. It is also recommended that chapters identify an alternate delegate to ensure chapter representation in case an emergency arises. This is especially important if only one person is listed as both Convention Delegate 1 and Convention Delegate 2 and is casting both votes. Please keep in mind that any active, dues-paying member of your chapter can represent the chapter as a delegate. In addition to identifying delegates in the CMS, delegates also need to be registered convention attendees in order to participate. The standard registration deadline is 8 October 2025

Questions about your role?

If you need further clarification about your role or have any questions, please post your question to the All Chapter Officers Workgroup on The Circle for a prompt response.