Convention 2025
Convention 2025
Convention 2025

Chapter information

Chapter Sessions

Sigma will host several sessions about important chapter operations topics, designed specifically for chapter leaders. This is a great time to gather new information and resources, share your ideas with other leaders, learn about other chapters’ successes, and get your questions answered.

Details about topics and times will be shared closer to the event.

Chapter Delegates

Chapters are required* to have representation at the House of Delegates sessions on 11-12 November. A virtual option is available for delegates who cannot attend in person. Delegates make organizational decisions on behalf of their chapter, so it’s important to review materials requiring action and make decisions as a group prior to the House of Delegates.

Chapters should identify delegates in the Chapter Management System (CMS) by 1 June 2025. Chapters are bestowed two votes and may appoint two delegates; however, if only one delegate can attend, they may cast both chapter votes. Delegates can be changed up to the point of convention; however, specific information is continually communicated to those listed as delegates. If there is a change in delegates, it’s important to share all communication that has come from headquarters with whoever will be serving in this role.

Delegates must be registered convention attendees to participate. The standard registration deadline is 8 October 2025.

Visit for more information.

*Chapters that do not participate in all House of Delegates sessions will be bylaws incompliant, are assessed a non-attendance fee, and are ineligible for the 2025-2027 Chapter Key Award.

Regional Meetings

Regions will host meetings on Sunday, 9 November to celebrate the achievements from the past biennium and enjoy regional networking while at convention. The location of these meetings will be available on the convention schedule webpage.

Chapter Key Award

The Chapter Key Award recognition event is scheduled for 8:30-9:30 a.m. (0830-0930) Monday, 10 November 2025. Feedback from the 2023 event was taken into full consideration during the planning of this year’s celebration. More information will be shared closer to the event. We look forward to celebrating the good work of our chapters!  

Get to Know Candidates

All opportunities to learn about candidates will occur prior to convention. To promote informed decision making, chapters should review the candidate materials prior to convention and share their voting preference with their delegate. Visit to learn more.

Sigma Marketplace

Stop by the Sigma Marketplace to browse and purchase products for gift-giving, publicity, operations, and recognition. There are a limited number of honor cords available for purchase, so be sure to visit the Marketplace in the JW Ballroom if you are wanting to save on shipping costs!