Rising Stars

Rising Stars of Research and Scholarship Invited Student Presentations

During Creating Healthy Work Environments, the following nursing students will have the opportunity to present their research, literature review, or evidence-based project as part of the Rising Stars of Research and Scholarship invited student presentations.

Adelphi University College of Nursing and Public Health (Alpha Omega Chapter)

Callie Wiedle, SN
Hippocrates and Nightingale: Ancient Medicine and Modern Nursing

Karen Zhang, SN
Interprofessional Relation, Communication Practice, & Workplace Environment on Patient Care/Outcomes

California State University School of Nursing, Fresno (Mu Nu Chapter)

Tasha Chatman, DNP
Bridging the Gap of BIPOC Patients, Clinicians, and Doulas

Chamberlain University College of Nursing & Public Health (Phi Pi Chapter)

Herschel Holden, DNP
Implementing Adjunct Surgical Count Technology

Candice Nono, DNP
Reminisce and Relive Joyful Memories Despite Dementia

Georgia State University Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions (Epsilon Alpha Chapter)

Bridgette Dupuch-Knudsen, DNP
Nurse Residents’ Perception of Preparedness and Competency for Transition Into Clinical Practice

Gustavus Adolphus College Department of Nursing (Chi at-Large Chapter)
Lakesha Cater, SN
Exploring the Relationship Between Sleep Hygiene Habits and Fatigue in College Students

Montana Technological University Sherry Lesar School of Nursing (Zeta Upsilon at-Large Chapter)

Megan Savage, SN
How Peer Mentoring Makes a Difference in Performance of ATI Scores

Purdue University Northwest College of Nursing (Mu Omega Chapter)

Leilany Porrata, SN
The Impact of Cultural Awareness Education on Cultural Competence Among New Graduate Nurses

Rutgers University School of Nursing (Alpha Tau Chapter)

Tahani Maashi, MSN, BSN
The Student Evaluation of Clinical Education Environment (SECEE) Instrument: Psychometric Testing

Abeer Mobarki, PhD
Predictors Associated With Non-Adherence to Postpartum Visits Among Arab Immigrant Women in New Jersey

The Ohio State University College of Nursing (Epsilon Chapter)

Rachel Demeter, DNP, MHI, RN, CNOR
Integrating Virtual Reality Into Workplace Civility Training

Alana Long, DNP
Implementation of an Evidence-Based Emotional Wellness Program for First-Semester Nursing Students

Cynthia Moore, PhD
mHealth for Nurses’ Mental Health

The University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston School of Nursing (Alpha Delta Chapter)

Kelley Bazemore, PhD
The Impact of Emergency Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Student Learning Outcomes

Megan Brunson, MSN, RN, CNL, CCRN-CSC
Quantitative Analysis of Hardiness Within Night Shift Nurses: A Survey-Based Study

Nicole George, PhD
From Driven Clinical Nurses to Influential Nurse Leaders: A Qualitative Study

University of Central Arkansas Nursing (Kappa Rho Chapter)

Erin Robinson, SN
Assessing the Transition Home: A Study Exploring Post-Deployment Reintegration in the Arkansas Army National Guard

University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Nursing (Gamma Pi at-Large Chapter)

Jayme Weber, MSN, RN, CNL
Remote Recovery: Telemental Health Approaches for Rural Opioid Use Treatment

Tiffany Whitney, DNP
Education, Evaluation, and Impact of a Delegation Learning Session in the Care Pair Model

University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing (Eta Chapter)

Michelle Chung, SN
Association Between Area Deprivation Index and Outcomes After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Chloe Minahan, DNP
Operative Encounter Registry by the G4 Alliance for Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma, and Anesthesia Care

Jiayi Zhu, BSN, RN
Mapping Expert-Endorsed Communication Skills With Surrogates to Uncertainty in Illness Theory

Contact Us

For more information, please contact abstracts@sigmanursing.org, 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free), or +1.317.634.8171 (International).