Call for Abstracts

Submission Deadline: 29 August 2024

Open opportunities are available to submit abstracts for Creating Healthy Work Environments. Abstracts from nurses around the world are invited that demonstrate a direct link to the theme From Surviving to Thriving: Transformation to a Healthy Work Environment and to the overall outcomes of the program.


From Surviving to Thriving: Transformation to a Healthy Work Environment

Program Outcomes

  • Engage and collaborate with fellow nursing professionals
  • Learn various ways other nursing professionals are actively working to transform their work environments

Topics for Submission

  • Enhancing Professional Well-Being
  • Implementing Standards (i.e., AACN Healthy Work Environment, Pathways to Excellence)
  • Engaging in and Promoting Interprofessional Collaboration
  • Moral and Ethical Strategies and Solutions
  • Advocating for the Workforce and Work Environment
  • Optimizing Healthy Work Environments for Patient Outcomes
  • Translation of Evidence for a Sustained Healthy Work Environment

New Abstract Submission Process

Starting with the Creating Healthy Work Environments 2025 event, Sigma has changed abstract management systems. Benefits of the new submission process:

  • More streamlined approach to abstract submission
  • Less questions/fields to complete
  • Help videos and PDFs available to assist with steps of the submission process

Guidelines for Electronic Abstract Submission

As you prepare for submitting, please keep the following items in mind.
Please read through each section carefully prior to submitting an abstract. If you have further questions, contact

Download Submission Guidelines »

Please note: Peer reviewers will be using a rubric to review your abstract submission. See the abstract rubric for more information.

Download Abstract Rubric »

Please select the section titles below to view more information.

General Information
  • Completed work or projects may be submitted as either an oral podium presentation, a rapid presentation, or PechaKucha presentation. If the work or project is not yet complete, the abstract may only be submitted as a rapid presentation or PechaKucha presentation.
  • If successfully reviewed, final abstract acceptance will be conditional upon the presenting author following all necessary steps after acceptance.
  • Presenters assume all costs related to travel, accommodations, and other expenses for their presentation.
  • The presenting author should be listed first in the order of authors. All communication will be directed to the primary presenting author only.
  • In addition to the abstract, a profile for each author (contact and biographical information) and a disclosure form are required. All required forms are available online through the abstract submission system.

Please remember to include any and all members of your team or anyone who you may wish to give credit to for the work you are submitting. Once the abstract submission deadline has passed, you may not be able to add authors/presenters to the abstract.

  • Abstracts, presentation slides, and author information will be uploaded after the event to the Sigma Repository with the authors’ permission.
  • Sigma is committed to worldwide collaboration. Please include global implications as relevant to your work.
Submission Process
  • Abstracts and references should only be submitted in English.
  • Sigma will not accept or review abstracts written with artificial intelligence agents (e.g., ChatGPT, OpenAI) for the development of the creative or scientific components of the abstract at this time.
  • All abstract components have a maximum length of 3,000 characters. The title, presenter information, and references should not be included in the body of the abstract. In-text citations, however, are appropriate. These citations will be included in the overall word count. Full references are required in the Reference field.
  • The use of a word processing program, rather than the submission form, is recommended for composing the abstract. Please check spelling, word count, and conformation to the guidelines prior to copying the abstract onto the submission form.
  • All abstract and presentation materials must be in compliance with international copyright laws.
  • Abstract title, abstracts, and presentation focus should be original (not previously published or presented). We recognize that a study, project, or work may yield multiple findings and subsequently several original publications or presentations. To be eligible to present, submissions must contain an original title, abstract text, and subsequent presentation content (i.e., different view, perspective, or focus).
  • Submission Due Date: Submit all abstracts no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on 29 August 2024.
  • An email with your abstract ID and abstract title will be emailed to you after your email is submitted to the system. The email will include the submitter’s User ID. Please keep this email for reference.
  • An individual may submit more than one abstract; however, if successfully reviewed, only one oral podium, one rapid presentation, and one PechaKucha submission will be accepted for presentation.
  • Abstract submissions that are incomplete and in “draft” status after the submission deadline will not be eligible for presentation and will no longer be accessible by the authors.
  • Email notification of abstract acceptance will be sent only to the presenting author by the end of October 2024. All submitters of completed abstracts will receive an email.
  • The author’s failure to return the “intent to present” information will disqualify the abstract from presentation. Only the presenting author is required to complete this form.
  • Presentation files must be uploaded by the identified deadline. No audiovisual (A/V) capability will be available for any presentation that is not uploaded by the deadline.
Submission Guidelines

A complete presentation submission includes the following:

Step 1: Title/Body

The sum of the 'Abstract Text, Abstract Summary, References' fields will have a maximum length of 3,000 characters.

  • Title (Maximum of 100 characters)
  • Abstract Text
    • We suggest that abstracts be developed in a word processing program before accessing the online submission form. Use the spell check and character count features of your word processor to check the text of the abstract before submitting it.
    • Sigma does not require specific headers for abstract text submissions. If using headings, please make them clearly discernable for the peer-reviewers by bolding or underlining the section header.
    • Abstracts should include a purpose statement that is clear and aligns with other content of the abstract text.
      • The abstract should be logical and provide substantial details supporting the overall abstract topic. The abstract should be fully developed and clearly articulate the implications for the nursing profession.
    • Please remove all references to the title and author information in the abstract text before completing the submission.
    • Authors should review the information submitted very carefully for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Edits to the abstract content cannot be made after the submission deadline.
  • Abstract Summary
    • The abstract summary should be a brief summary of the abstract text. This should not exceed more than 500 characters.
    • This could be used for promotional materials such as marketing materials if the abstract is accepted. This should be short and compelling to describe what participants should expect by attending your presentation.
  • References
    • Provide a minimum of one scholarly reference (e.g., science journal articles, nursing journal articles, books). A minimum of one scholarly reference is needed to complete this step; however, to obtain a high score in this grading category, abstracts should provide the appropriate number of scholarly references that are consistent with the presentation style rubric.
    • References should be recent and/or appropriate for the abstract (references should be no older than five years, unless they are a seminal work).
    • A clear, consistent format (i.e., APA, Harvard, MLA, etc.) with less than one error should be used. It is recommended to copy and paste from a word processing program to maintain formatting.
    • Clearly identify each reference using a numerical approach.

Step 2: Properties

  • Presentation Type
    Select correct corresponding information related to your work from the dropdown menu options.
  • Type

    • Completed Work/Project
    • Ongoing Work/Project


    • Oral (only completed projects are eligible)
    • Rapid Presentation Round
    • PechaKucha
    • No Preference
  • Subject Matter
    Select the best corresponding content for your work.
  • Subject Matter

    • Academic
    • Non-academic education/professional development
    • Patients
    • Patient families
    • Clinical
    • Other

    Topic for submission

    • Enhancing Professional Well-Being
    • Implementing Standards (i.e., AACN Healthy Work Environment, Pathways to Excellence)
    • Engaging in and Promoting Interprofessional Collaboration
    • Moral and Ethical Strategies and Solutions
    • Advocating for the Workforce and Work Environment
    • Optimizing Healthy Work Environments for Patient Outcomes
    • Translation of Evidence for a Sustained Healthy Work Environment
  • Keywords
    Select the keywords that best describe your work from the dropdown menu. There are three keyword fields with only one being a required field to complete.
    • Keyword 1
    • Keyword 2
    • Keyword 3
  • What is the setting of your work?
    Select option that best correlates with your work from the dropdown menu.
  • Does this submission align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
    • Yes
    • No
  • If yes, which of the following SDGs does this submission correlate with? If No, please select N/A.
    All Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are listed. Select all that apply.
  • If Yes, please indicate the number of individuals impacted. If No, please select N/A.
    Select radio button that correlates with the number of individuals this work impacted.
  • Preferred Presentation Date
    If your abstract submission is accepted, please indicate your preferred presentation date(s). Select 'No Preference' if you have no schedule restrictions. We cannot guarantee that all requests will be accommodated.

Step 3: Authors

This is the step where all authors or contributors should be listed. You will be listed as the first author. Additional authors cannot be added after the submission deadline.

  • If you wish to add additional authors, click the Add Author button.
    • The Search for Author to Add fields will display.
    • Enter search criteria in the any of the fields, and then click Search.
    • If an author is found in the system, the name will populate in the search results below.
      • To add an author from search results, click the Add link to the left of the author's name and the name will be added to the current author list.
      • If the author in the search results is not the person you are looking for, click the Create An Author button. Please be prepared with all author information before completing this step.
  • If you chose the Create An Author button, follow these steps to create an author.
    • Note: Please ensure you have searched for an existing author account before creating a new author account.
    • The Create An Author screen displays. Complete the required fields: First/Given Name, and Last/Family Name.
    • Click Submit Created Author.
    • Before the account is created, you will be asked to verify the author information. If you find an error, click the Edit Information link in the left corner to make the necessary changes, or click Submit Created Author.
    • The new author is displayed.
    • Once the authors are added to your author list, you can add their affiliations by using the drop-down menu to select an affiliation that is already listed or click Create New Institution.
    • Then a pop-up window will display. Enter all of the required fields: Institution, City, State, and Country.
    • Click Submit Created Institution.
    • Note: All authors will need to log in to the system and complete their author profile including the required a relevant financial relationship disclosure form.
  • The person submitting the abstract is always listed as the first author, but the order of authors can be changed by using the AUTHOR ORDER drop-down on the left side of the author list. Change the numbers in the drop-down lists as needed and click Update Author Order.
  • All authors are required to answer if they are a Sigma member. A complete list of Sigma chapters is available at the top of this step.
  • When finished with the Author screen, click Save & Continue.

Step 4: Disclosures

  • This is the standard form that should be completed by the presenting author only. Please read the Participant Agreement Form in its entirety.
    • Based on past questions staff have received, the statement regarding original work is applicable only if the title and abstract being submitted are different from what has been previously published or presented.
  • Read the Participant Form in its entirety.
    • Once read, click the radio button to confirm that you agree.
    • The individual completing the abstract must enter their name and credentials in the associated box along with the date completed.
    • Click Save & Continue.

Step 5: Review & Submit

Review & Submit allows you to preview the information that was entered on each step of the submission process and a green check mark will display to the left of the step if it was completed successfully.

  • This step is a confirmation of all the materials that were put into the system.
  • If your submission has incomplete required steps, a red warning box will display to alert you of what steps are incomplete.
We recommend clicking the View Proof link to view the abstract proof in a new window.
Submitting a Presentation Abstract

Educational concurrent sessions provide the opportunity for nurses to showcase success strategies, techniques, and leadership models to bring together the academic and clinical settings to enhance health globally. Through the presentation of research, projects, and programs, nurses will further scholarship in the nursing profession.

Presentation options for this event include the following:

Oral Podium Presentations:

Individual abstract (20-minute presentation)
To be included in a group of up to three abstracts around a similar topic grouped together by the program committee from individual abstracts accepted for presentation. A concurrent session is allotted 15 minutes for individual abstract presentation with five minutes for audience questions.

Submit oral presentation abstract here

Rapid Presentation Rounds (RPR):

A newer format to Sigma events. The rapid presentation rounds include complete and incomplete studies, projects, or programs. The work is peer-reviewed and presented as a rapid 5-minute or less oral presentation. These short presentations aim to spark your interest to join in a brief discussion with the presenter which will occur after the presentations. These presentations will still require abstract submission or nomination as a Rising Star student, as we still aim to source high quality abstracts based in evidence.

Submit RPR abstract here

PechaKucha Presentations:

What is a PechaKucha presentation?
PechaKucha (Petch-aa Koo-chaa) is a storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds each. Slides are set up to automatically advance after 20 seconds. In other words, you have 400 seconds to tell your story, with visuals guiding the way. PechaKucha means "chit chat" in Japanese. This creative outlet began as nighttime get-togethers in Tokyo in 2003 by two renowned architects. Since then, three million people have attended PechaKucha events worldwide.

20 slides. 20 seconds of commentary per slide. That's it. Simple. Engaging. Spurring authentic connections.

PechaKucha is the ideal tool to share passions and drop some knowledge. Global innovators use the PechaKucha format to create powerful, visually-compelling stories that move audiences in less than 7 minutes. View this video to see an example of how a PechaKucha is created.

Learn more about the PechaKucha presentation format and see an example of how to create a PechaKucha.

Submit PechaKucha abstract here

Contact Us

For more information, please contact or call 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).