Sigma academies provide opportunities for all types of nurses to grow their leadership and advocacy skills, and much more. Whether you’re looking to start or finish that writing project, connect with nurses globally, or nurture your inner leader, at Sigma, we have an academy for you! Learn more about our academies with flexible options and scheduling to meet your needs. Learn more about our academies below.

Writing for Publications



This virtual, six-month academy helps Sigma nurses prepare a manuscript for publication. You will learn the steps to develop a manuscript, differentiate between formats, construct a work plan, and participate in critical evaluation and feedback. Upon conclusion of this academy, you will have a publication-ready manuscript. 

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This six-week, virtual mini academy, written and taught by Sigma’s former liaisons to the United Nations (UN), offers you the opportunity to refine your advocacy efforts, learn more about Sigma's consultative status with the UN, and understand your role in furthering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each participant will have interactive experiences that can be used for healthcare and policy advocacy application, locally and globally.

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Nursing Now Challenge



The Nursing Now Challenge develops the next generation of young nurses and midwives as leaders, practitioners, and advocates in health, and demonstrates that nursing and midwifery are exciting and rewarding careers. You will grow and develop leadership skills, connect with experienced nurse leader mentors, and network with other nurses globally. 

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