Virtual Mini Academy: Global Advocacy 


Learn more about Sigma's virtual mini academy focused on global advocacy

This six-week mini academy, written and taught by Sigma’s former liaisons to the United Nations (UN), offers you the opportunity to refine your advocacy efforts, learn more about Sigma's consultative status with the UN, and understand your role in furthering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each participant will have interactive experiences that can be used for healthcare and policy advocacy application, locally and globally.

A virtual badge and nursing continuing professional development (NCPD) contact hours will be awarded for successful completion of this academy. 

Ready to amplify your voice?

Apply by 25 March »

Program dates

In 2025 we will have 2 cohorts available. One will take place April/May 2025 and the other in September/October 2025. Below is a sample of the session dates and times for the current cohort to give you an example of what the schedule is like. Scholars choose one live session to attend for each week there is a live call:

Week 1 Global Nursing Overview: Live Zoom call Tuesday, 1 April at 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. ET OR Wednesday, 2 April at 10:00 a.m.- noon ET (time zone converter)
Week 2 How to be an Advocate: Watch the video recording whenever is convenient for you that week, 7-11 April. No live call
Week 3 Socio-Cultural and Political Awareness of the United Nations: Live Zoom call Tuesday, 15 April at 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. ET OR Wednesday, 16 April at 10:00 a.m.- noon ET (time zone converter)
Week 4 Issues Affecting Global Health: Live Zoom call Tuesday, 22 April at 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. ET OR Wednesday, 23 April at 10:00 a.m.- noon ET  (time zone converter)
Week 5 Global Healthcare Workforce and Being at the Table: Watch the video recording whenever is convenient for you that week, 28 April-2 May. No live call
Action Plan Preparation Week:
 Scholars will have time to work on their Action Plan Presentations 5-9 May. Optional sessions to network/ask questions regarding the action plan project/collaborate with your group will be available.
Week 6 Action Plan Presentations: Live Zoom call Tuesday, 13 May at 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. ET OR Wednesday, 14 May at 10:00 a.m.- noon ET  (time zone converter)

Can't make the current cohort? Complete the interest form to be notified of future cohorts.

This virtual mini academy will focus on the following objectives:

The Sigma Virtual Mini Academy: Global Advocacy—Unlocking the Power of the Nurse Advocate at the United Nations provides an opportunity for nurse advocates to advance their role in global healthcare. Nurses have the power to be excellent advocates and are the key to the successful completion of global efforts to improve health equity and healthcare.

Outcomes after completion of this academy include:  

  • Describe the role of the nurse advocate and tools for advocacy
  • Develop strategies to educate the public about the influence of the nursing profession on health and health outcomes
  • Create an individual Global Advocacy Action Plan for presentation

Virtual Mini Academy:  Global Advocacy—Unlocking the Power of the Nurse Advocate at the United Nations

Fees and Anticipated Costs

There is a one-time fee listed below:

Active Sigma Members: US $50
Non-Sigma Members: US $150

Academy Information 

  • This virtual mini academy takes place over six (6) weeks.
  • The academy includes a combination of sychronous and asynchronous activities. Two different live call times will be offered each week one in the morning (Eastern time) and one in the evening (Eastern time).
  • This virtual mini academy is designed for working practice professionals who are looking to develop their skills to advance professionally.