Registration Information

Important Dates

Presenter Registration Deadline: 30 April 2025
Early Registration Deadline: 21 May 2025
Standard Registration Deadline: 18 June 2025
On-Site Registration Required: Beginning 19 June 2025

Need to convince your supervisor that you should attend? View these resources.

Please read the information below prior to registering.

Are you a Sigma member?

If yes, you already have a Sigma online account. If you are a Sigma member or have logged in to a Sigma website in the past, you will be prompted to use your Sigma account username and password to register for the 36th International Nursing Research Congress event.

Register today!

Create a Sigma online account and register for this event

If you are a first-time Sigma user or need a Sigma online account, you will be prompted to create a password prior to registering for this event. Please remember your email address and password as it is listed on the verification page. The email address and password will be your access to enter the virtual event. Do not create an account if you are a Sigma member.

Create an account and register today!

Did you know Sigma members receive a discount on their event registration? Renew now or accept your invitation to join and be able to register as a member.

Have questions? Contact Member Services at 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free), +1.317.634.8171 (International), or

Registration Fees

Congress registration fees vary by country and are represented in US dollars. To estimate your registration fees, please complete the fields below and view your selected fee in the colored box.


$000 USD

If you plan on registering for a pre-conference, this will add an additional US $125 to your registration fee estimate.

Event Code of Conduct

Sigma has established a code of conduct for all event attendees. Read the full document here. By registering for this event, you agree to conduct yourself according to these standards. If you have questions, email

Registration Information

Please select the section titles below to view more information.

General Information
  • International Nursing Research Congress registration fees include official programmed events and access to the exhibitors from 17-20 July 2025.
  • The student discount applies only to full-time students. Student identification or proof of enrollment will be required when you check in at on-site registration.
  • The retiree discount applies only to those who are no longer employed.
  • Nonmembers of Sigma may register for the event at nonmember rates.
  • The member rate applies only to active Sigma members who have paid membership dues for the 2024–2025 year.
  • To qualify for the discounted rates, full payment must be received by the applicable registration deadlines.
  • Inactive members who renew their membership can register at the discounted member rate (a value of up to US $100). If you have questions, please contact us at
  • When completing your registration form, the name you enter in the system will be exactly how it appears on your printed name badge (first/given name and last/family name[s]). Please carefully review this information. Sigma guarantees that any changes requested by the standard registration deadline will be made.
  • Credentials will not be listed on the name badges due to space limitations.
Check Payment Information


  • Mailed with a registration form to guarantee payment credit to your registration.
  • Postmarked by the applicable registration deadline to qualify for discounted rates.
  • Written in US dollars.
  • Made payable to Sigma Theta Tau International and mailed to the following address:

    Sigma Theta Tau International - 2025 INRC Registration
    550 W. North St., Suite 120
    Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA
On-Site Payments
  • Should you choose to pay at on-site registration, you will be charged the applicable on-site rates.
  • All registrations and payments processed on-site will include a US $25 payment processing fee.
  • All cancellations must be received in writing (letter or email).
  • If you are unable to attend, you may make a one-time substitution to another person at no additional charge.
  • The cancellation of a prepaid registration received either electronically or via mail on or before Wednesday, 18 June 2025 will be refunded, minus an administrative fee as follows:
    • US $75 for a high-income country
    • US $30 for a middle-income country
    • US $15 for a low-income country
  • No registration refunds will be issued for cancellations that are received or postmarked on or after Thursday, 19 June 2025.
  • If a cancellation request is received or postmarked on or after Wednesday, 18 June 2025 for a registration that was not prepaid, an invoice will be issued for the full registration fee.
Stamp Confirmation

If your country requires the Sigma ink stamp, please provide a copy of your registration confirmation to any staff member at on-site registration.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact or call 888.634.7575 (US/Canada toll-free) or +1.317.634.8171 (International).