
United Nations

Sigma has special consultative status with the United Nations. Our voice is well-represented at UN events by Sigma members, who are either liaisons or youth representatives. We also support the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

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Global Advocacy Virtual Mini Academy

This academy provides an opportunity for nurses to become global healthcare advocates! Learn from Sigma’s former liaisons to the United Nations to refine your advocacy efforts, learn more about Sigma's consultative status with the UN, and understand your role in furthering the Sustainable Development Goals.

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  • Global Impact
  • Global - Europe

Nurses, climate change, and the fight for global health

Climate change is a health crisis, yet its impact on patient safety is often overlooked. After witnessing its effects at the UN Climate Change Conference, I explore why urgent action is needed and how the most trusted profession can lead the way.
  • North America
  • Global Impact

Four lessons to lead change: Highlights from the Pan American Nursing Research Colloquium

As a Sigma United Nations Youth Representative, I traveled to Chile for this annual event and uncovered four insights that will challenge how you view nursing’s role in transforming healthcare.
  • Global Impact
  • Global - Europe
  • North America

Mentorship across continents

Our global mentoring relationship has not only enhanced our skills and achievements but also reinforced the vital role of leadership and support in our profession.