• Advancing Your Nursing Career

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : SYFY04

    The course offers suggestions on how the new nurse can enhance his/her career and professional role development through nursing education, career enrichment, and progression. 

  • Advocacy and policy in action: Developing a financial and healthcare safety net for nurses

    Price: US $17.40 | NCPD Hours: 1.20 | Course Number : JNS054

    The COVID-19 pandemic has opened a dialogue regarding advocacy and policy changes that need to occur at the federal, state, and local levels to ensure provisions for the financial and healthcare well-being of nurses. Often nurses struggle as the “breadwinners” in their families caring for multiple generations, thus leading them to live paycheck to paycheck. The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to conduct a review of current and proposed policy changes.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog. 

  • Advocacy Certificate Program

    Price: US $200.00 | NCPD Hours: 4.70 | Course Number : ACPprogram

    Nurses need advocacy skills beyond political advocacy. This certificate program aims to develop nurses’ knowledge and skills in advocating for themselves as well as at the organizational, community, regional, and global levels. The future of nursing is informed by the lived experiences of nurses, educational preparation, and personal connection to social and professional issues that compel action. Globally, there are more than 29 million nurses in a career that is cited as the most trusted profession, positioning nurses to leverage their social capital to engage in advocacy.

    This course is also available in Spanish and is free for Sigma members. 

  • Advocating for Change

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 1.55 | Course Number : FYF09

    Our shared COVID-19 experience is shining a light on competencies, preparedness, social determinants of health, and leadership. And not the success story we need. Whether you are in a formal leadership position or not, there are many actions you can take to lead to system-level change.

    This course is part of the Find Your Forward Program.

  • Be Bold: Becoming a Catalyst of Change

    Price: US $14.50 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : CONV23A

    Nurses are uniquely well-positioned to collaborate with disciplines outside nursing and healthcare to influence decisions about our profession, populations, and the planet. Nurses must work together to abolish inequities within societies, healthcare systems, and our profession. Being a change agent requires us to Be Bold.

    This course will retire after 30 November 2026.

  • Bullying in the Workplace: Solutions for Nursing Practice

    Price: US $32.00 | NCPD Hours: 3.90 | Course Number : SYFY05

    In hectic and stressful environments, such as hospitals, the incidence of violence takes its toll on nursing staff. When situations become volatile, when tempers rise, and situations become unbearable, nurses can use strategies such as training in how to hold critical conversations, to prevent disruptive and harmful behaviors. This course will provide nurses with the knowledge and tools to appropriately react to a crucial conversation when under stress. Using adult learning principles, nurses will be educated on creating a safe environment to hold a crucial conversation so that true dialogue and communication can occur in the high stressed, high paced environments.

  • Business of Healthcare

    Price: US $47.50 | NCPD Hours: 3.80 | Course Number : LEAD05

    This lesson will illustrate how leaders must advocate for patient care by influencing stakeholders to achieve organizational excellence and engage in behaviors for the transformation of patient care delivery. Development of business plans, business strategies, and management and evaluation of projects will be discussed.

  • Cause, Courage, and Commitment: Your Superpowers for Rising Strong and Advancing Your Brand!

    Price: US $18.12 | NCPD Hours: 1.25 | Course Number : CONV23C

    We're all in search of ways to stay bold, engaged, productive, and empathic. Leading with courage amid pressure and uncertainty is critical for improving outcomes and care. Jackie will inspire you to become a more courageous leader who accelerates innovation, embraces change, and bravely represents the calling.

    This course will retire after 30 November 2026.

  • Challenges, Extent of Involvement, and the Impact of Nurses’ Involvement in Politics and Policy Making in the Last Two Decades: An Integrative Review

    Price: US $13.75 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : JNS036

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to determine nurses' challenges, extent of involvement, and the impact of involvement in politics and policy making.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.


  • Children's Oral Health Equity and Promotion Practices

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB13

    Poor oral health has been linked with negative child health outcomes, including early childhood dental caries (ECC), a leading Healthy People 2030 public health concern. Health and racial disparities put disadvantaged children at a higher risk for developing ECC. The nursing profession has the opportunity to play a leadership role to promote oral health equity through appropriate health promotion and disease prevention "best practices". This webinar will discuss recommended oral health practices to tackle ECC, as well as explore strategies to promote oral health racial and health equity related to access, availability, and affordability. This course will retire 1 November 2024

    In partnership with Colgate-Palmolive

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Clinical Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development

    Price: US $60.00 | NCPD Hours: 3.00 | Course Number : ClinicalFKSD

    Clinical Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development: A Review for Nurse Educators is a dynamic and learner-paced online course, designed like a supplemental study-guide booklet.


  • Coaching in Nursing

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.30 | Course Number : COACH1

    As you pursue your career goals and consider your coaching journey, this course is an outstanding tool to have at your fingertips. Coaching is useful for personal and professional development in a variety of areas and at all career levels. Whether you are looking for a coach or looking to become a coach, this course will provide skills and knowledge to assist you. The course will facilitate collaboration and communication, encourage professional development, and improve retention and career satisfaction.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Co-Design Research in the Pacific: Part One

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB21

    This webinar will share the work done that has identified several aspects which, if improved, could contribute significantly to the effectiveness of research and healthcare in the Pacific region. This research carryies out an examination of leadership in nursing and midwifery in the Pacific. It is divided into two parts: first, it develops a methodology to effect good research in the Pacific, and second, it describes the research itself into leadership in nursing in the Pacific. This course will retire after 17 February 2025.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Community Health Nursing

    Price: US $31.32 | NCPD Hours: 2.16 | Course Number : NNP008

    Community health nursing combines public health sciences and nursing theories to improve and sustain the health of populations in communities. This course provides an overview of community health nursing history, poverty, sustainability, and the health care needs of developing countries.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Congress 2023 Plenary Session, Nursing Scientists: Agents of Solutions Towards Resilient, Environmentally Friendly Health Systems for Better Future Care

    Price: US $14.50 | NCPD Hours: 0.00 | Course Number : INRC23A

    This session discusses nurse scientists' readiness to renew transformation of education, practice, and leadership built on lessons learned from the pandemic. Additionally, this session will review scaling up public health initiatives where nurses are change agents to build resilient, sustainable health systems that are environmentally friendly, equitable, and efficient.

    This course will retire after 4th August 2026.

  • Congress 2023 Plenary, Developing Nursing Leadership in Africa

    Price: US $10.87 | NCPD Hours: 0.75 | Course Number : INRC23B

    Africa has grown significantly in the last two decades, but its health systems remain weak. This then spills over into the health services delivered. I will talk about how the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE)'s Center for Nursing and Midwifery is developing nursing leadership to solve this challenge.

    This course will retire after 4th August 2026.

  • Continuing Professional Development Planning Made Incredibly Easy

    Price: US $-1.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB17

    Planning a continuing professional development offering can be challenging as there are many components to ensure high-quality education that engages the learner. This educational webinar will provide basic knowledge on educational planning along with tips and tricks to provide you as the nurse planner for continuing professional development offerings. This course will expire after 21 January 2025.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • COVID-19 Vaccinations: Learning from the Past

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB20

    In this webinar, we will discuss the history of vaccinations, beginning with the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic and ending with the COVID-19 pandemic. We will discuss best practices to address vaccination hesitancy along with other epidemiological principles such as herd immunity. This course will retire after 7 February 2025.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Creating Budgets and Business Plans

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 7.20 | Course Number : NMCP11

    This course begins with a discussion about the costs of health care and creating budgets. It also describes the parts of a business plan, teaches financial planning concepts, and provides instruction on how to present the plan. 
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.


  • Dealing With Disruptive Patients and Families

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : SYFY03

    Nurses are confronted with difficult patients and families daily. Understanding the feelings and emotions behind each demeanor allows the nurse to effectively assess the disruptive individual, determine the behavioral or medical cause of the disruption, and strategize potential solutions for handling the disruption. 

  • Developing a multicomponent implementation strategy for mental health interventions within the Nurse-Family Partnership: An application of the EPIS framework

    Price: US $18.70 | NCPD Hours: 1.29 | Course Number : JNS052

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to describe the process used to create the Mental Health Innovation (MHI), a multicomponent implementation strategy that integrates evidence-based mental health interventions into the Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), a national home visiting program delivered by nurses to low-income mothers. This course will retire after 28th July 2025.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Diabetes nurse practitioners in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges, insights, and suggestions for improvement

    Price: US $19.57 | NCPD Hours: 1.35 | Course Number : JNS050

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to examine the role of diabetes nurse practitioners (DiNPs) and their contribution to the quality of care of individuals with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, we examined the benefits and barriers of using telemedicine for managing diabetes. This course will retire after 28th July 2025.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Disaster Preparedness and Response

    Price: US $12.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : SP0006

    Natural and human-shaped disasters are an unfortunate reality, but there are steps you can take to better prepare for them and assist in disaster relief efforts. This course presents an overview of a nurse’s role in planning for and responding to a mass casualty incident and includes information on how you and your family can better prepare for disasters.

  • Efficacy of Diabetes Education in Adults with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Primary Care: A Systematic Review

    Price: US $13.75 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : JNS034

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to analyze the effect of different diabetes education methods on metabolic control, body mass index (BMI), and blood pressure.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • e-Health as a tool to improve the quality of life of informal caregivers dealing with stroke patients: Systematic review with meta-analysis

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.30 | Course Number : JNS046

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship was to elucidate the evidence related to utilizing e-Health as a tool in improving the quality of life of informal caregivers of dependent patients due to cerebrovascular accident (CVA).

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Enabling Clinicians to Implement Evidence in Their Practice: Sustainability

    Price: US $15.95 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : INRC22B

    Presented from the frontline clinician perspective, this presentation will describe how to successfully translate research into clinical practice. Examples of nurse-led research incorporating the principles of knowledge translation that have resulted in improvements in patient outcomes are provided. Be inspired to design projects that will really make an impact. This course will expire on 25 July 2025.

  • Engage in Leadership & Service | Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development

    Price: US $36.00 | NCPD Hours: 2.25 | Course Number : RNE_006

    This is the last course in the Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development: A Review for Nurse Educators program and covers these topics: role of change agent; leadership as a nurse educator; commitment to lifelong learning; and engage in interprofessional relationships.

  • Ethical Principles for Nurse Managers

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 4.40 | Course Number : NMCP15

    This course is designed to facilitate a better understanding of ethical issues and the application of this understanding for making decisions in health care delivery.
    This course can be purchased individually but is also available as part of a package for the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.

  • Exemplars of Nursing Leadership on Climate Change and Health

    Price: US $ | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : ANHE03

    On this webinar, hear from nurse leaders as they share examples of how nurses can lead within their nursing practice to address climate change and how they are inspiring others to take action.

    In partnership with ANHE.

  • Exploring Lived Experiences of Nurses

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB09

    A group of Colorado nursing professionals united to conduct a phenomenological descriptive qualitative study that describes the lived experiences of nurses who cared/prepared to care for COVID-19 patients. Specifically, the discussion will capture mental/psychological impact including fear and uncertainty among Nurses who cared/prepared to care for COVID-19 patients. The results of this study have a promising impact on the international nursing profession. This course will retire after 28 September 2024.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Facilitate Learner Development & Socialization | Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development

    Price: US $38.00 | NCPD Hours: 2.30 | Course Number : RNE_002

    From the Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development: A Review for Nurse Educators program, this course focuses on the learner. Topics covered in the course include: reading to learn; student learning styles; diversity in education; student disabilities & accommodations; socialization: transition into practice; learning in the clinical environment; and faculty as advisors.

  • Facilitate Learning | Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development

    Price: US $56.00 | NCPD Hours: 2.75 | Course Number : RNE_001

    In this first course, part of the Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development: A Review for Nurse Educators program, these topics are covered: learning domains; educational learning theories; learning environments for success; teaching strategies; technology integration in education; reflective practice; and role modeling and evidence-based practice.

  • Facilitating Staff Development

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 5.00 | Course Number : NMCP09

    The purpose of this course is to understand effective staff development principles and the ways in which they provide value, not only to staff, but to patients and the organization. This course provides the tools needed to assess staff competency and to identify learning needs. Instructions for creating developmental and composite plans are also discussed. 
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.


  • Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development: A Review for Nurse Educators

    Price: US $225.00 | NCPD Hours: 13.00 | Course Number : RNE

    This learner-paced online program closely aligns to all major content areas within the Certificate Nurse Educator (CNE®) test blueprint. Each of the program's six courses are designed like chapters found in an online study guide booklet. These engaging courses  feature interactive practice scenarios, knowledge checks, and downloadable resources to help learners prepare for the credentialing exam. Individual courses are available for purchase, too.

  • Faculty Professional Role Development Program

    Price: US $90.00 | NCPD Hours: 6.75 | Course Number : 2020_FPRD

    The purpose of this program is to provide information to assist faculty to achieve career goals that lead to promotion and/or tenure.  Specifically, the Faculty Professional Role Development Program will assist faculty members on tenure-track and non-tenure-track positions to progress successfully through the ranks as a faculty member.  Three core courses will focus on the Scholarship of Research, Scholarship of Teaching, and Scholarship of Practice.

    Curriculum developed from the World Health Organization (WHO) Nurse Educator Core Competencies and the WHO’s Global Standards for the Initial Education of Professional Nurses and Midwives, Professional Development of Faculty recommendations.

  • Faculty Professional Role Development Program: Scholarship of Discovery

    Price: US $35.00 | NCPD Hours: 3.00 | Course Number : 2020_FPRD_SoD

    Scholarship of Discovery, or research, delves into scholarly inquiry as a track for advancement in the nurse educator role. It also provides a review of key concepts of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research. 

  • Faculty Professional Role Development Program: Scholarship of Practice

    Price: US $35.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : 2020_FPRD_SoP

    Scholarship of Practice underscores the strategies for the advancement of the nurse educator in the clinical setting. It provides an outline of competencies and activities associated with the Scholarship of Practice. 

  • Faculty Professional Role Development Program: Scholarship of Teaching

    Price: US $35.00 | NCPD Hours: 2.75 | Course Number : 2020_FPRD_SoT

    Scholarship of Teaching focuses on the heart of the nurse educator role, covering topics in teaching & learning, measurement & evaluation, curriculum development & integration, and advancement as an academic nurse. 

  • Financial Management

    Price: US $70.50 | NCPD Hours: 9.40 | Course Number : LEAD01

    Healthcare leaders must be able to control patient care expenses and understand the flow of patient revenues. This course will address capital and operating budgets, evaluating productivity, and healthcare related legislation.

  • Frontline Leader Certificate Program

    Price: US $54.00 | NCPD Hours: 6.10 | Course Number : FLCP01

    Charge nurses and other frontline leaders are critical links in the delivery of care to patients and families, as well as in the work environment. In this evidence-based course, charge nurses and leaders will learn the knowledge and skills essential for their role, paving the way for creating a desirable organizational culture that can impact patients, families, and staff alike.

    This program has been mapped to Magnet Standards, Pathway Standards, and QSEN competencies. 

  • Global Health Advocacy: Building a Foundation for Transformative Impact at the United Nations and Beyond

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB11

    Globally, nurses are being called upon to advocate for health equity. At the United Nations (UN), Sigma works to advance health equity through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Join Sigma's UN representatives for ideas on local actions and global efforts that nurses can engage in to build a healthier world. This course will retire after 21 October 2024.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Health Sector Solutions to Address Climate Change

    Price: US $ | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : ANHE02

    On this webinar speakers will provide an overview of how the health sector contributes to climate change and showcase initiatives being instituted by health systems and health organizations to reduce climate pollution.

    In partnership with ANHE.

  • Healthcare Leadership Program

    Price: US $200.00 | NCPD Hours: 52.20 | Course Number : LEADProgram

    To ensure quality patient care in today’s healthcare environment of increasing patient acuity and staff turnover, nurse leaders are asked to stay apprised of the latest in clinical practice and supervise more staff more effectively. Nurse leaders are expected to exhibit a broad range of leadership skills necessary to keep job satisfaction and productivity levels high and turnover rates low. The curriculum for this program is based on the testing blueprints of four nursing leadership/management credentialing certifications currently available and includes seven courses in addition to a pre- and post-assessment. 

  • Health-promoting behaviors and self-efficacy among nursing students in times of uncertainty

    Price: US $16.24 | NCPD Hours: 1.12 | Course Number : WV058

    The objective of this article from Worldviews of Evidence-Based Nursing is to investigate the associations between HPB and self-efficacy among nursing students in a context of high political uncertainty. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Honoring the Past: A Reflection from Sigma’s Past Presidents and CEOs

    Price: US $24.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.70 | Course Number : CONV21A

    President Ric Ricciardi hosted a panel of past Sigma presidents and CEOs to reflect on the journey of the organization. Discover how Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing began as a local organization and grew to serve nurses around the globe. This course will retire after 6 November 2024.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • How Emergency Nurses Develop Resilience in the Context of Workplace Violence: A Grounded Theory Study

    Price: US $16.25 | NCPD Hours: 0.00 | Course Number : JNS044

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship was to understand how emergency nurses develop resilience in the context of workplace violence. This course will retire after 17 September 2024.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog. 

  • Human Resource Management

    Price: US $84.00 | NCPD Hours: 11.20 | Course Number : LEAD03

    Leaders who understand the concepts and legal framework of effective human resource management develop satisfied staff which leads to improved retention, quality, productivity, and patient outcomes. This course will address recruitment, labor laws, staff performance, onboarding, staff development, and conflict resolution.

  • Human Resources: Issues and Strategies

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 5.00 | Course Number : NMCP05

    This course will introduce the learner to human resources management, with a specific focus on recruitment and hiring practices. Strategies to create a positive work environment and increase staff retention will also be discussed.
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.


  • Human Trafficking: Providing Meaningful Intervention

    Price: US $23.20 | NCPD Hours: 1.60 | Course Number : HTT01

    Human trafficking (HT) victims often encounter health care providers while being trafficked including nurses, who play a pivotal role in identifying current and potential victims. This course is designed to provide a general overview of the complex issue of HT to help nurses spot the common red flags associated with it. Once these current and potential victims are identified, nurses can begin to provide meaningful, trauma-informed care and interventions.

  • Imagine the Future: What Nurse Leaders Need to Know Now!

    Price: US $15.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : CONV21C

    The events of 2020 have sped up the pace and altered the direction of technological change. Are you ready? In this high-energy talk, Crystal will show you what to do NOW to future-proof your career while leveraging technology to enjoy more opportunities and free time. This course will retire after 6 November 2024.

    Free for members: Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Impact of emotional intelligence on work performance: The mediating role of occupational stress among nurses

    Price: US $19.14 | NCPD Hours: 1.32 | Course Number : JNS053

    Occupational stress was reported as an inhibitor of optimal performance among nurses. Emotional intelligence (EI) has emerged as a successful behavioral buffer against occupational stress and as a facilitator for better performance. The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is aimed to investigate the potential relationship between nurses' EI and their work performance and to examine the mediating role of occupational stress.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog. 

  • Improving hypertension control and cardiovascular health: An urgent call to action for nursing

    Price: US $15.95 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : WV054

    The objective of this article from Worldviews of Evidence-Based Nursing is to develop a unified call to action for nurses to improve control of hypertension and cardiovascular health and provide information and resources to execute this call.

    Members have free access to Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog. 

  • Introduction to Administrative, Management, & Organizational Theories

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 5.80 | Course Number : NMCP01

    This course is designed to introduce the learner to the ways in which theory-guided evidence can assist managers with planning, decision making, and understanding relationships.
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program. 

  • It's Ok to Not Be Ok

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : NSA03

    This webinar is part of Sigma's Casualties of Caring: Nurse Suicide Awareness series. 

    Almost 17 months into the pandemic, and our mental health is not getting better. Throughout COVID-19, nurses have been there for patients’ best days, worst days, and all the days in-between. Who will be there for us? How do we ensure that our needs are being taken care of? It's time to take some of the power back into our own hands and advocate for the mental health support we actually need. In this presentation, we will examine the pre-pandemic levels of burnout and the impact it has had on nursing during the pandemic. We will also explore options for how you can best advocate for better mental health support for yourself and your nursing community. This course will retire after 2 September 2024.

  • Knowledge, Innovations, and Performance Improvement

    Price: US $61.50 | NCPD Hours: 8.20 | Course Number : LEAD04

    Creating a culture of continuous improvement can be a valuable means of demonstrating excellence and creating stability in any practice setting. This course will discuss performance improvement initiatives, effective communication techniques, project management, and strategic planning.

  • Leadership and Management

    Price: US $75.00 | NCPD Hours: 10.00 | Course Number : LEAD06

    Leadership requires the purposeful selection of behaviors to successfully support a team’s effort to achieve shared goals. This course will examine the leadership process, facilitating change, and the leader’s role in implementing technology.

  • Leadership Succession Planning

    Price: US $20.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : LSP001

    Seventy-four percent of nurse leaders are not conducting succession planning because they do not know how. This is evidenced by a gap in the literature regarding how to conduct succession planning and the small percentage of leaders actually doing it. This course aims to fulfill the need to contribute to nurses' knowledge and tools necessary to successfully conduct succession planning and increase the percentage of titled leadership conducting succession planning. Of nurses who completed this course as part of a pilot program, 100% demonstrated increased knowledge regarding succession planning. The majority reported having initiated recommended steps toward their own succession planning within three months.

  • Leading Through Crisis

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 0.53 | Course Number : FYF08

    What is the secret sauce impactful leaders have that makes them so successful in the same situations that others struggle in? Better yet, how do you build those qualities? Dr. Tiffany Love, Chief Operating Officer and Compliance Officer at Humboldt General Hospital, discusses the challenges leaders experience during uncertain times and provides strategies to become a more resilient leader. She discusses key attributes to leadership resilience and how to support leadership teams with the use of a 10-step resilience plan.

    This course is part of the Find Your Forward Program.

  • Learning to Be Bold: A Nurse's Story About Global Environmental Health Research

    Price: US $10.87 | NCPD Hours: 0.75 | Course Number : CONV23B

    This session will highlight global health research related to conservation and sustainability, focusing on air pollution and interventions to improve the health and livelihoods of people living in low-resource settings. The session will provide guidance to nurses about how to enact change through bold actions to ensure planetary health.

    This course will retire after 30 November 2026.

  • Legal Documentation

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 5.50 | Course Number : NMCP14

    This course is designed to educate the learner on legal documentation principles, classifying legal doctrines, and understanding risk management.
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.


  • Legal Risks as a Nurse

    Price: US $10.00 | NCPD Hours: 0.80 | Course Number : SYFY02

    This course will enhance your understanding of legal aspects of everyday nursing and help you to increase your ability to recognize and avoid the legal risks involved in nursing practice.

  • Life Balance for Nurse Managers

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 4.80 | Course Number : NMCP16

    This course is designed to assist nurse managers to make informed, thoughtful choices based on an understanding of the importance of both personal and professional life balance. 
    This course can be purchased individually but is also available as part of a package for the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.

  • Managing the Team

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 6.00 | Course Number : NMCP07

    This course will expose the learner to ways teams are formed, provide managers with effective skills to build and lead a team, and assist managers in dealing with conflict within a team structure.
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.


  • Meaningful Recognition

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 0.63 | Course Number : FYF03

    Life right now is in a state of constant flux. Letting others around you know that you see them and support them in their efforts is always important, but in the world we are facing today, it is downright essential. Providing meaningful support doesn't have to cost you anything, and it is as easy as using something you already own: your ears.

    This course is part of the Find Your Forward Program.

  • Mental health effects prevalence in children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review

    Price: US $17.40 | NCPD Hours: 1.20 | Course Number : WV056

    The objective of this article from Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing is to systematically review the literature to answer the question: “What is the worldwide prevalence of mental health effects in children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic?” This course will retire after 3 May 2025.

    Members have free access to Worldviews NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog. 

  • Mitigating PTSD

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 0.87 | Course Number : FYF04

    The reality is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was an issue nurses and other healthcare providers faced even before the pandemic. But an examination of the literature shows that pandemics can rightfully exacerbate the impact of PTSD, depression, and burnout on people, especially those working on the frontlines of healthcare. These resources describe how to identify risk factors for nurses and suggest strategies to perhaps lessen or prevent PTSD during this COVID-19 outbreak.

    This course is part of the Find Your Forward Program.

  • Nurse Educator Mentorship Program

    Price: US $129.95 | NCPD Hours: 0.00 | Course Number : CENE01

    The Nurse Educator Mentorship Program is a step-by-step guide for educational or practical institutions to build their own customized, internal mentoring program that is evidence-informed and responsive. It is designed to enable institutions to develop, implement, evaluate, and sustain a customized mentorship program that meets their needs.

  • Nurse Manager Certificate Program

    Price: US $450.00 | NCPD Hours: 76.00 | Course Number : NMCP

    The Nurse Manager Certificate Program is a robust Web-based educational tool using the latest evidence-based content. It is designed to help develop nursing management competencies necessary to function in today's fast-paced and ever-changing health care environment.

    Program has been mapped to Magnet Standards, Pathway Standards, and QSEN competencies.

    Courses in this Program:
    Course 1:     Introduction to Administrative, Management, and Organizational Theories  
    Course 2:      Using Evidence to Guide Decision Making and Management Practices  
    Course 3:      Using Evidence to Guide Strategic Planning  
    Course 4:      The Art of Leading 
    Course 5:      Human Resources: Issues and Strategies  
    Course 6:      Project Management 
    Course 7:      Managing the Team  
    Course 8:      Patient Satisfaction 
    Course 9:      Facilitating Staff Development 
    Course 10:    Patient Safety in the Health Care Workplace
    Course 11:    Creating Budgets and Business Plans
    Course 12:    Safety for the Health Care Worker   
    Course 13:    Nursing Liability 
    Course 14:    Legal Documentation and Defenses 
    Course 15:    Ethical Principles for Nurse Managers
    Course 16:    Life Balance for Nurse Managers 
    Each course may be purchased separately. 

  • Nurses' support needs in providing high-quality palliative care to persons with dementia in the hospital setting: A cross-sectional survey study

    Price: US $19.29 | NCPD Hours: 1.33 | Course Number : NS055

    Since dementia is an irreversible progressive disease characterized by a decline in mental functions and overall health, a palliative care approach is recommended. Nevertheless, many persons with dementia experience burdensome hospitalizations in end-of-life care. Their quality of life during hospitalization can be improved by palliative nursing care that suits their fragile health. The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to explore hospital nurses' perceived support needs while providing high-quality palliative care for persons with dementia and to identify differences between nurses in different ward types and at different educational levels. This course will retire after 9 March 2026.

  • Nurses, a Voice to Lead: Invest in Nursing and Respect Rights to Secure Global Health

    Price: US $13.05 | NCPD Hours: 0.90 | Course Number : INRC22C

    This year's theme for International Nurses Day is Nurses, A Voice to Lead: Invest in Nursing and Respect Rights to Secure Global Health. We will explore how the profession pivots from pandemic response to recovery and repositions for a more influential global health leadership role. This course will expire on 25 July 2025.

  • Nursing and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Scoping Review

    Price: US $16.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : JNS045

    In 2015, all member states that comprise the United Nations unanimously adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of ambitious and inclusive targets toward global economic, social, and environmental betterment. Nurses have a key role to play in the achievement of the SDGs. The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship was to conduct a scoping review to synthesize the literature related to nursing and the SDGs. This course will retire after 17 September 2024.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog. 

  • Nursing Codes of Ethical Behaviors

    Price: US $50.63 | NCPD Hours: 4.10 | Course Number : ETHICS06

    Healthcare professionals are mandated to protect and uphold all standards of healthcare practice. This course begins by exploring professional position statements in an organization and continues with a pragmatic discussion of the practical considerations a clinician may encounter when dealing with individual, context-specific, and ethical challenges. This course is part of the Healthcare Ethics Certificate Program

  • Nursing Liability

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 6.50 | Course Number : NMCP13

    This course is designed to educate the learner on the standards and legal issues applicable to nurse managers and nursing staff in the litigious and highly regulated health care environment.
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.



  • Nursing Staff Needs in Providing Palliative Care for Persons With Dementia at Home or in Nursing Homes: A Survey

    Price: US $13.75 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : JNS033

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to evaluate what types and forms of support nursing staff need in providing palliative care for persons with dementia. Another aim was to compare the needs of nursing staff with different educational levels and working in home care or in nursing homes.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Nursing While Marginalized

    Price: US $14.50 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : INRC22A

    Nurses across the world experience marginalization through gender, sexual orientation, age, race, religion, and disability. Social justice offers benefits to the nursing profession. Nurses are worn down by discrimination due to marginalization arising from social injustices. Professor Moorley discusses the protection of nurses from international organizations using a social justice framework. This course will expire 25 July 2025.

  • Nutrition Interventions Across the Continuum of Care: Current Evidence and Recommendations

    Price: US $10.15 | NCPD Hours: 0.70 | Course Number : CONV21B

    The existing evidence and recommendations for the effectiveness of nutrition interventions across the continuum from preconception through to adolescence; with a specialized focus on disadvantaged populations. This course will retire after 6 November 2024.

    Free for Sigma members: Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Offering a Path to Success for Everyone: Creating an Inclusive Environment in Nursing Education

    Price: US $-5.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB05

    Inclusion is the practice of providing equal access to opportunities and resources to those who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized. Students in our nursing education classrooms are in danger of being excluded due to many factors: poverty, race, religion, sexual preference, nationality, disabilities, culture, language, previous education, ideology, need to work, etc. It is our responsibility as nurse educators to purposefully create an inclusive learning environment in nursing education so that everyone we teach has a path to success. This course will retire after 23 August 2024.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Operational Structures and Processes

    Price: US $60.80 | NCPD Hours: 6.40 | Course Number : LEAD02

    This course will help increase knowledge in regards to organizational structure, management systems, and information technology. Additionally, the concept of population health, and the determinants that contribute to that health, will be addressed.

  • Opioid Overdose and Addiction Treatment: A Collaborative Model of Compassion, Patience, and Respect

    Price: US $13.75 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : JNS037

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to describe the creation and outcomes of a collaborative model and care facility for opioid overdose and addiction treatment based on compassion, patience, and respect: The Maryhaven Addiction Stabilization Center (MASC).

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Opioid Use and Misuse: Pain Management, Drug Dependence, and Implications for Nurses Worldwide in 2022

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB16

    This presentation entails a brief overview on evidence-based uses of opioids in diverse clinical contexts, influences of opioid regulations across the globe, and common misconceptions related to effective opioid therapies. Furthermore, this presentation discusses how nurses may promote safe opioid use and detect opioid dependency and addiction. This course will retire after 20 January 2025.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Oral Health Equity Leader: Pediatric Care

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : OHEL_PC

    This free course defines early childhood caries and addresses the prevalence, etiology, risk factors, and consequences of oral disease in children. Nurses will learn their role in preventing early childhood caries, and as a member of the care team, nurses will promote oral health in children. From teaching a lesson or simply engaging with children, you can help us bring oral health education to vulnerable communities. Help kids and their families learn healthy oral care habits that will last a lifetime!

    To earn NCPD contact hours for this free course, log in to your My Courses Dashboard using your Sigma username and password and search for this course to self-enroll. This course is also available in Spanish and Portuguese!

  • Overcoming Burnout

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 0.74 | Course Number : FYF05

    In studying the impact of past pandemics, the additional stress and other related factors have been shown to increase burnout among nurses and other healthcare providers. Prior to the pandemic though, the level of nurses experiencing some degree of burnout was already 40 to 50%! These resources discuss the current science around the state of nursing burnout, including some changes in behaviors that we may be seeing considering the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we will identify how to spot some of those behavioral changes and share strategies to mitigate the impact of this pandemic on nursing burnout. 

    This course is part of the Find Your Forward Program.

  • Participate in Curriculum Development, Design & Evaluation of Program Outcomes | Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development

    Price: US $30.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.90 | Course Number : RNE_004

    Evaluation strategies for learning outcomes; quantitative tests for evaluation; evaluation & feedback; and clinical evaluation are the topics covered in this fourth course from the Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development: A Review for Nurse Educators program.

  • Patient Safety in the Health Care Workplace

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 7.20 | Course Number : NMCP10

    Content in this course will introduce a learner to understanding the occurrence of errors and adverse or near-miss events in the delivery of health care despite best intentions and efforts. How to apply this understanding to making improvements in staff and patient safety will also be covered. 
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.



  • Patient Satisfaction

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 4.30 | Course Number : NMCP08

    This course will explore the nurse manager's role in patient satisfaction and address meeting administrative expectations, getting staff on board with initiatives, and excelling in patient satisfaction.
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.


  • Predictors of nurses’ reporting for work at the time of epidemics and natural disasters; solutions for hospital surge capacity

    Price: US $18.27 | NCPD Hours: 1.26 | Course Number : JNS051

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to identify the predictors of nurses’ presence at hospitals at the time of three types of disasters. This course will retire after 28th July 2025.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Preparing for the Final Journey: Advanced Care Planning and End-of-Life Care from a Global Perspective

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB14

    Limited decision-making capacity in end-of-life patients affects their abilities to express their preferences in medical decisions. Advance care planning (ACP) is a process of communication that enables individuals to consider those decisions ahead of time. This webinar provides an overview of ACP and end-of-life care and how these topics can be applied to nursing around the globe. This course will retire after 6th December 2024.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Primary Health Care Nurses’ Perceptions of Risk During COVID-19: A Qualitative Study

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.30 | Course Number : JNS047

    COVID-19 has presented health care professionals with unprecedented challenges. Significant risks have emerged as nurses have continued to work in delivering frontline health care during the pandemic. Feeling “at risk” has significant deleterious effects on nurses. The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship was to explore the perceptions of risk by Australian primary health care nurses (PHC)during COVID-19.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Prioritizing Self-Care and Finding Harmony

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 1.04 | Course Number : FYF06

    There’s a reason flight attendants instruct you to put your mask on first before helping others. You can’t give to others what you don’t have yourself. In a profession where you give 100% for the health of others, it’s equally as important for you to maintain a healthy, positive you. But where do you find the time? When you do find the time, what should you focus on? How do you ensure your needs are met despite the demanding expectations of your career? The answers to these questions look different for everyone, but the following resources can help lead you to the right self-care practices for you.

    This course is part of the Find Your Forward Program.

  • Professional Identity in Nursing: Nursing Students and Their Professional Identity in Nursing Formation: How Can We Foster It?

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : ISPIN03

    Professional Identity in Nursing is “a sense of oneself, and in relationship with others, that is influenced by characteristics, norms, and values of the nursing discipline, resulting in an individual thinking, acting, and feeling like a nurse.” This session explores the critical need to form professional identity in nursing. Evidence will be presented on how nurse educators can foster professional identity in nursing students at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

    In partnership with the International Society for Professional Identity in Nursing

  • Professional Practice

    Price: US $40.00 | NCPD Hours: 3.20 | Course Number : LEAD07

    This course will address professional development and provide recommendations for improving nursing specialty certification rates at your organization. Additionally, this course will define and delve into the different aspects of professional practice models.

  • Project Management

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 4.00 | Course Number : NMCP06

    The purpose of this course is to introduce the learner to the steps involved in project management, including how to select the appropriate members of the project management team. 
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.


  • Providing Excellent Palliative Care

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.50 | Course Number : GNLA003

    The purpose of this course is to provide an example of quality care at the end of life through a case study of an elderly gentleman who is dying. The case will demonstrate how effective communication with a healthcare team provides a desired quality of life and prepares one for a peaceful death.

  • Psychological Capital: An Introduction to the What, Why and Now What?

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB12

    Psychological Capital (PsyCap) is a set of internal resources consisting of hope, efficacy, resiliency, and optimism—or HERO—that help navigate personal and professional obstacles to achieve success and foster leadership growth. Because nurses hold a multidimensional and evolving role, serving as educators, change agents, leaders, and mentors, nurses often need to extend their bandwidth to meet the continuous challenges of their profession. As nurses continue to manage the increasing demands, they need a robust set of internal resources to help them be successful.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the Catalog.

  • Psychometric properties of the evidence-based practice mentorship scale

    Price: US $15.37 | NCPD Hours: 1.06 | Course Number : WV057

    The objective of this article from Worldviews of Evidence-Based Nursing is to determine the psychometric properties of the new 8-item EBP Mentorship Scale. This scale measures the degree to which clinicians perceive that EBP mentorship is available to them. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.



  • Pursue Continuous Quality Improvement & Scholarship in the Nurse Educator Role | Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development

    Price: US $38.00 | NCPD Hours: 2.10 | Course Number : RNE_005

    In the fifth of six courses from the Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development: A Review for Nurse Educators program, the focused topics are: personal assessment and evaluation; legal and ethical standards for nurse educators; and professional development.

  • Put Your Own Mask on First: Protecting Nurses from Deaths by Suicide

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : NSA02

    Part two of Sigma's Casualties of Caring: Nurse Suicide Awareness series

    In this webinar, Dr. Christopher Friese, Elizabeth Tone Hosmer Professor of Nursing at the University of Michigan, will review the latest multi-state data on the incidence of deaths by suicide among nurses, physicians, and the general population. He will review trends over time and correlated factors. The webinar will include strategies for individual nurses, nurse leaders, and policy advocates to intervene on the worrisome trends observed and the impact on the nursing workforce and public health. 

  • QSEN 2020: Designing Students' First Clinical Day of Orientation

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : QSEN2020_03

    This webinar is designed to help clinical faculty prepare for their first clinical day to prepare students to be safe and prepared for their clinical rotations.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Focus the student to view the care they provide from the patient perspective.
    • Recognize at-risk students and potential behaviors to evaluate.
    • Outline the clinical day and examples of meeting required clinical hours.

    In partnership with the QSEN Task Force: Academic Clinical Practice.

  • QSEN 2020: Overcoming Barriers in Students’ Electronic Documentation

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : QSEN2020_02

    This webinar will discuss the barriers that students and faculty face in clinical regarding access and documentation in the electronic health record and medication administration record.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Discuss the limited access students have to healthcare records and direct patient care experiences.
    • Identify the gaps in student learning as a result of limited access to electronic health records while at clinical.
    • Determine strategies schools of nursing must utilize to prepare nursing students despite the barriers related to limited electronic health record access.

    In partnership with the QSEN Task Force: Academic Clinical Practice.

  • Recalibrating nursing’s efforts to achieve health equity

    Price: US $17.40 | NCPD Hours: 1.20 | Course Number : JNS048

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to explore how the nursing profession has been a key factor driving improvement related to the six aims laid out in the "Crossing the Quality Chasm" report released by the National Academy of Medicine.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Redefining Retirement: Planning the Life You Want

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB01

    Dr. Patricia Tabloski and Joanne Evans will share some of the lessons they learned and published in their recent book, Redefining Retirement for Nurses: Finding Meaning in Retirement. They interviewed 26 nurses nationally and internationally, focusing on their initial plans for retirement and describing what actually happened. Whether it was spending more time with family, travel, volunteering, moving, continuing in some way in their nursing profession, new ventures, or something totally different, their stories were all inspirational and may be helpful to you as you plan the life you want in retirement.

  • Reducing Agitation in Elders With Dementia

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.50 | Course Number : GNLA001

    The purpose of this course is to provide nurses with the knowledge on how to decrease and/or prevent the frequency and severity of agitated episodes in elders who are diagnosed with dementia.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Re-Establishing Trust

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 0.51 | Course Number : FYF01

    The relationship between an employer and employee presumes mutual trust, but it’s not well defined. When trust is broken, the assumptive world of safety and security in the workplace is deeply violated. While grief is rarely identified as influencing broken trust, it is a powerful force that must be understood and acknowledged.

    This course is part of the Find Your Forward Program.

  • Reframing Forgiveness

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 0.47 | Course Number : FYF07

    When a lack of forgiveness infiltrates your entire health system, it moves from fear and anger to mistrust and high turnover. If we can reframe our thinking of forgiveness, though, we can use this opportunity of chaos and systemic breakdown to awaken greater wisdom, compassion, and capability in our co-workers and ourselves.

    This course is part of the Find Your Forward Program.

  • Return to Nursing Part 6: Care of Patients with Behavioral Health Concerns and Mental Health Conditions

    Price: US $25.00 | NCPD Hours: 3.50 | Course Number :

    This course shows the learner how to perform a mental status evaluation, while providing a review of major classifications of psychopathology, symptoms of mental illness, medication and therapies used to treat mental illness, and therapeutic communication techniques used to build a strong nurse-patient relationship.

  • Return to Nursing Program

    Price: US $400.00 | NCPD Hours: 54.30 | Course Number : 0

    This refresher program was designed for nurses who have been out of the nursing workforce but want to return to practice. It consists of seven courses that can be purchased separately, or as a complete program. The program certificate will be awarded after successful completion of all seven courses.

    Completion of this program satisfies the didactic educational requirements in many states, which may be required before returning to a nursing role. 

  • Return to Nursing Program Part 1: Nursing as a Profession and Discipline

    Price: US $20.00 | NCPD Hours: 2.50 | Course Number :

    This course provides an overview of core values and principles of the nursing profession while examining regulatory, ethical and legal considerations to help guide nursing practice.

  • Return to Nursing Program Part 2: Contemporary Issues in Healthcare

    Price: US $40.00 | NCPD Hours: 4.70 | Course Number :

    This course examines patient safety and quality improvement while exploring challenges and opportunities within healthcare such as cost, care delivery, transitions of care, consumer relationships, emerging trends in medicine, and advancements in health information technology, their relevance to nursing practice, and how nurses can make an impact.

  • Return to Nursing Program Part 3: Fundamental Concepts of Nursing Practice

    Price: US $102.00 | NCPD Hours: 14.50 | Course Number :

    This course begins laying the foundation of nursing through health promotion, disease prevention, communication, patient advocacy, and safety.

  • Return to Nursing Program Part 4: Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies

    Price: US $63.00 | NCPD Hours: 9.00 | Course Number :

    This course introduces the learner to medication administration, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics, highlighting medications specific to each of the body’s systems, their physiologic effects, therapeutic responses, and adverse effects.

  • Return to Nursing Program Part 5: Health Assessment

    Price: US $30.00 | NCPD Hours: 4.40 | Course Number :

    This course walks the learner through a complete head-to-toe assessment, indicating normal findings versus abnormal findings.

  • Return to Nursing Program Part 5: Health Assessment Simulation

    Price: US $20.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : eSIMRTN

    The Return to Nursing: Health Assessment Simulation course features a virtual simulation case that guides the primary nurse through performing a head-to-toe Health Assessment. The purpose of this learning activity is to allow the learner an opportunity to practice subjective (interviewing) and objective (physical examination) assessment skills in a simulated virtual clinical environment.

  • Return to Nursing Program Part 7: Care of Patients with Acute Medical-Surgical Health Conditions

    Price: US $120.00 | NCPD Hours: 15.70 | Course Number :

    This course shows the learner how to perform a mental status evaluation, while providing a review of major classifications of psychopathology, symptoms of mental illness, medication and therapies used to treat mental illness, and therapeutic communication techniques used to build a strong nurse-patient relationship.

  • RN BSN Program Incorporation of Nurse Manager Certificate Program

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB18

    The University of Southern Mississippi incorporated the Nurse Manager Certificate Program within RN BSN program providing students the most recent evidence-based practice leadership skills. This presentation provides an overview of implementation into the program. This course will retire after 2 February 2025.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Safety for Health Care Workers

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 5.40 | Course Number : NMCP12

    This course will help the learner to gain the skills and knowledge needed to ensure a safe and healthful work environment in the health care setting. Topics include identifying and controlling risks, employee rights, and disaster preparedness. 
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.


  • Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner Program

    Price: US $300.00 | NCPD Hours: 45.30 | Course Number : SAFEProgram

    This course provides learners with the necessary knowledge and resources to develop a clinical knowledge base when caring for patients of sexual violence. The goal of this course is to provide affordable, comprehensive SAFE Adult/Adolescent education using pedagogical science to thread nursing philosophies, theory, concepts, practice frameworks, scope and standards of practice through forensic nursing educational opportunities. The course contains 14 modules which follow the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) Educational Guidelines for didactic course work in Adolescent/Adult SANE and features subject matter experts from around the United States. In accordance with IAFN guidelines, participants have 12 weeks to complete the program.

  • Showcasing Your Accomplishments with a Portfolio

    Price: US $35.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number :

    Showcasing Your Accomplishments With a Portfolio is a learner-paced online course, meant to guide nurses in the development and maintenance of an organized portfolio for their own personal and professional needs. Ample real-life exemplars are viewable directly within the course. To support your portfolio development, various printable resources can be found throughout the entire course.

    Learners may choose their own learning path, tailored to their role in academia and/or the clinical environment. This course is designed to help nurses who are just getting started on their portfolio, or those desiring to build and improve upon what has already been developed.

  • Social Media for Health Care Providers

    Price: US $17.50 | NCPD Hours: 1.40 | Course Number : SYFY06

    This course will teach practicing nurses to effectively and professionally use social media tools to educate, advocate, collaborate, and communicate

  • Social Media Use for the Early Career Nurse

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : ECN03

    This webinar aims to help fellow early-career nurses understand how they can best utilise social media in an authentic yet professional manner. When used correctly, it has endless benefits to develop your career and networks. This course will retire after 9 July 2024.

  • Successful Grant Writing

    Price: US $35.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.20 | Course Number : 2020_FPRD_GW

    Successful Grant Writing supports the scholarly endeavor of grant writing and submission, by familiarizing nurses with the process, and providing current information regarding funding sources, key decision-making elements, and successful proposal development.

  • Surviving Your First Years as a Nurse Practitioner Program

    Price: US $99.00 | NCPD Hours: 3.40 | Course Number : APNprogram

    This program supports nurses as they transition from registered nurse to nurse practitioner. It addresses new responsibilities, including prescriptive authority and business management considerations of billing, coding, and quality outcome measures while expressing the importance of taking the certification exam and becoming credentialed by the state and federal government. The program discusses the process of new employee onboarding and the benefits of mentor programs and fellowships as they transition into their new role. Learners will also discover ongoing resources for continuing education, networking, the importance of joining a professional organization, and work-life balance.

  • Surviving Your First Years as a Nurse Program (6 courses)

    Price: US $105.00 | NCPD Hours: 10.00 | Course Number : SYFYprogram

    This course supports newly graduated nurses by providing practical tips and techniques that  minimize legal risks, help manage relationships with patients and co-workers, allow professional growth, and teach proper use of social media as you transition from student to professional nurse.

  • Technology Integration in Research

    Price: US $15.21 | NCPD Hours: 1.20 | Course Number : TIIR01

    This course will provide nurses and nurse researchers with information to be better informed about how technology can benefit their research. Methods for using technology for research interventions will be explored as well as devices used for data collection. This course will facilitate a transformation in which research better utilizes technology to create and implement better, more efficient research which can be translated into practice.

  • Temporary Staffing and Patient Death in Acute Care Hospitals: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study

    Price: US $13.75 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : JNS035

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to explore the association between the levels of temporary nurse staffing and patient mortality. Achieving adequate nurse staffing levels plays a vital role in keeping patients safe from harm. The evidence around deploying temporary staffing to maintain safe staffing levels is mixed, with some studies reporting no adverse effects on patient mortality.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • The Art of Leading

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 4.40 | Course Number : NMCP04

    This course will discuss leadership and explore the components of what makes up leadership. It will also address creating a shared vision, empowerment, and staff recognition. 
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.


  • The Effects of Distraction Cards on Reducing Pain and Anxiety During Intramuscular Injection in Children

    Price: US $13.75 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : WV037

    This article from Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing evaluates the effectiveness of distraction cards in reducing pain and anxiety during intramuscular (IM) injection in children between 6 and 11 years of age.

    Members have free access to Worldviews NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • The Evolution of Concepts in Meaning-Based Nursing Care

    Price: US $-1.00 | NCPD Hours: 0.00 | Course Number : WEB19

    This webinar will attempt to provide a clearly constructed definition of the concepts that comprise meaning-based nursing care including its antecedents, defining attributes, and consequences. Several concepts involved in this study's evolution have led to concept maps wherein the outcome is a framework of how nurses can be meaning-based resulting in the formulation of meaning-based nursing care approaches. This course will expire after 2 February 2025.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • The impact of organizational compassion in health care on clinicians: A scoping review

    Price: US $18.12 | NCPD Hours: 1.25 | Course Number : WV060

    The objective of this article from Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing aims to describe the evidence regarding the impact of organizational compassion on clinicians, identify gaps, and provide recommendations for future research.

  • The mediating effect of workplace incivility on organization culture in South Korea: A descriptive correlational analysis of the turnover intention of nurses

    Price: US $18.85 | NCPD Hours: 1.30 | Course Number : JNS049

    The purpose of this article from Journal of Nursing Scholarship is to understand the mediating effect of workplace incivility on the relationship between nursing organizational culture and turnover intention among nurses.

    Members have free access to JNS NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.

  • Tips for Successful Publishing From Editors

    Price: US $38.28 | NCPD Hours: 2.64 | Course Number : EDIT01

    Publishing in a peer-reviewed journal can give you more recognition and opportunities for advancement. But do you know how to do it? How do you write and submit a manuscript? Which journal should you submit to? This course will provide practical tips to get your work published. Content will cover selecting the right journal, suggestions for a brief letter to the editor, steps for manuscript construction, and tips if asked to revise content. 

  • Transformational Leadership: Delivering Excellence

    Price: US $19.58 | NCPD Hours: 1.60 | Course Number : TL04

    Now that hospitals are reimbursed for quality performance, nurse leaders need to ensure their staff have the resources to deliver exceptional patient care, communicate effectively, be engaged, and have the opportunity for professional growth. In order to achieve to this, nurse leaders themselves need development and educational opportunities.

    This course identifies the traits for a transformation leader, and explains the benefits of being a transformational leader in nursing as well as on an organizational level.

  • Transitioning from Student to Professional Nurse

    Price: US $23.75 | NCPD Hours: 1.90 | Course Number : SYFY01

    This course will prepare newly licensed nurses to successfully find their first nursing jobs, assimilate into the profession and work environment, and thrive in the first years of practice and beyond.  

  • Understanding Emotion

    Price: US $12.50 | NCPD Hours: 0.75 | Course Number : FYF02

    Nurses are torn. Ethical dilemmas meet them at every corner—a lack of PPE, determining which patients receive ventilators, no family at the bedside for dying patients. This list could go on and on. We can't ignore the psychological impact this is having on nurses, leading to grief, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. By understanding the science behind feeling the way we do, nurses can better embrace high-stress situations and become authors of their emotions—writing their own script for emotional well-being.

    This course is part of the Find Your Forward Program.

  • Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies | Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development

    Price: US $27.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.70 | Course Number : RNE_003

    This learner-paced online course from the Faculty Knowledge and Skills Development: A Review for Nurse Educators program, focuses on evaluation and includes these topics: evaluation strategies for learning outcomes; quantitative tests for evaluation; evaluation & feedback; and clinical evaluation.

  • Using Evidence to Guide Decision Making & Management Practices

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 7.00 | Course Number : NMCP02

    This course is designed to educate the learner on the steps required in applying evidence to administrative decision making. 
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.

  • Using Evidence to Guide Strategic Planning

    Price: US $59.95 | NCPD Hours: 5.00 | Course Number : NMCP03

    This course will introduce the learner to the ways in which theory-guided evidence can assist with strategic planning to achieve goals. Key dimensions of strategic planning methods are reviewed and evidence that promotes the application of concepts to administrative practice is discussed.
    This course can be purchased separately but is also included in the Nurse Manager Certificate Program.


  • Using virtual simulation to teach evidence-based practice in nursing curricula: A rapid review

    Price: US $15.95 | NCPD Hours: 1.10 | Course Number : WV055

    The objective of this article from Worldviews of Evidence-Based Nursing is to describe types of virtual simulations that are relevant to nursing student education and examine how these modalities are applied to teach elements of evidence-based practice. This course will retire after 3 May 2025. 

    Members have free access to Worldviews NCPD courses. Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog. 

  • Whole Body Oral Health

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 2.00 | Course Number : WBOHprogram

    Dive into the critical connections between oral health and other systems in the body with this new course from Sigma sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive. Gain a greater understanding of the signs and symptoms of oral diseases, the common risk factors that contribute to oral disease, and the correlation between oral disease and the presentation of diabetes, as well as respiratory and cardiovascular conditions.

  • Working as a School Nurse During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Price: US $0.00 | NCPD Hours: 1.00 | Course Number : WEB10

    In this webinar, two school nurses will discuss the major lessons learned from the challenges of managing the COVID-19 pandemic in school nursing during the 2020-2021 school year. They will describe the positive takeaways and identify opportunities for improvement for the 2021-2022 school year, including goals while working during the ongoing pandemic. During the webinar, the presenters will compare and contrast two schools in different states—one urban charter school and one suburban special school district (SSD) in a large multi-school district in the United States. This course will retire after 29 September 2024.

    Using your Sigma email and password, log in to your My Courses Dashboard to search and self-enroll in FREE courses from the catalog.