Happy Nurses Week, Sigma nurses!
As we approach International Nurses Day this Thursday, 12 May, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the tremendous, collective impact of Sigma nurses worldwide.
This week, I celebrate all you have achieved.
This Nurses Week is extra special because it occurs during Sigma’s 100th Anniversary. Sigma’s founders established our organization based on the virtues of love, courage, and honor. Without their bold actions, we could not be where we are
today. But without YOUR bold actions, we could not celebrate the impact that Sigma and our members continue to make on our profession, our planet, and the populations we serve. This week, I celebrate 100 years of nursing excellence.
I am grateful past Sigma leaders had the foresight and fortitude to expand the organization and include chapters from all around the world. Going global has allowed Sigma members to connect and exchange insights with nurses from differing locations, cultures,
health systems, and educational institutions. Collaborating with colleagues from vastly different backgrounds has been one of the highlights of my nursing career.
This week, I celebrate our global focus.
In the 2021-2023 Organizational Call to Action the board and I charge Sigma members to BE BOLD. To do this, we must step outside our silo and engage with others beyond the nursing profession. We must become fluent in the language and practice
of economics, technology, and conservation. As the largest constituency of healthcare providers around the globe, we must be bold and raise our voices together to influence decisions and create a better world for all we serve.
This week, I celebrate our commitment to BE BOLD.
You are a part of Sigma’s collective impact, and I am profoundly grateful for that. This week, take a moment to recognize how important and appreciated you are. You are important to your families and friends, to those you serve, to those you teach,
to those you influence, to your colleagues, to Sigma, and to the profession of nursing.
This week, I celebrate you. Happy Nurses Week and Happy International Nurses Day!
Kenneth Dion, PhD, MSN, MBA, RN, FAAN
2021-23 Sigma President