Sponsorship requests are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Sponsors may choose to be exclusive or may co-sponsor an event with one or more organizations unless there is inadequate space for more than one organizational name and logo.
All sponsors receive:
- Citation on Sigma’s website and in electronic and print publications disseminated to more than 135,000 global nurse leaders
- Recognition in electronic newsletters disseminated to members in advance of and immediately following congress
- Recognition on the virtual platform including opportunity to populate your own section of the Sponsor Resources Center with your logo, contact information, links to flyers, videos, chat feature, and more
- Recognition at the beginning of the Opening Plenary broadcast live to virtual attendees
- Citation on the event mobile app
- Recognition via push notifications to all congress attendees
US $5,000* (choose one, each exclusive)
Includes 4 FREE virtual registrations (US $1,400 value), and FREE mobile app banner ad
- Congress mobile app
- Poster sessions
- Plenary Session 2 presentation broadcast live
US $4,000* (choose one, each exclusive)
Includes 4 FREE virtual registrations (US $1,400 value) and FREE mobile app banner ad
- Plenary Session 3 broadcast live. Includes opportunity to provide videotaped remarks.
- Rising Stars Poster Presentations — During congress, nursing students will present their research, literature review, or evidence-based project as part of the Rising Stars of Research and Scholarship.
- Sigma Career Advising — Students, new graduates, and established professionals looking to advance and/or enrich their professional career in nursing will be able to get expert advice.
*Non-profits located in lower and middle income countries may request information about other rates.
Promote your products, programs, or services; pay tribute to a nursing colleague or leader; or advertise employment opportunities to more than 600 global nurse leaders attending Sigma's virtual congress by placing a full-color display ad on the virtual conference platform.
Your ad will be featured on the congress website and on the virtual meeting platform, and can include a link to your website from the platform. Award tribute ads will also be featured on the congress awards webpage.
Ad art must be submitted on or before 15 June 2021 in electronic format only (PDF) to kathy@sigmanursing.org, and will be posted to the congress site as soon as it is received and processed.
Note: When recognizing recipients of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing awards in advertising, please use the official shorter naming reference, “Sigma.”
As ads will not appear in print, ad sizes have been simplified as follows:
Ad Size (W x H)
Rate* |
Quarter page: 4" x 5.5"
US $600 |
Half page horizontal: 8.5" x 5.5"
US $1,075 |
Half page vertical: 4" x 11"
US $1,075 |
Full page: 8.5" x 11" |
US $1,675 |
NOTE: Please use the entire area, and do not add bleed or trim marks.
Banner advertising is available on the congress home page (US $1,000/month) and congress virtual platform (US $550). Space is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, and files must be submitted to kathy@sigmanursing.org at least 2 weeks in advance of desired placement. All website ads are rotating, with a guaranteed minimum 25% placement using the following specifications: 728 x 90 px (desktop)/300 x 250 px (mobile).
The 2021 congress mobile app will feature complete program details, live updates, links to important presentation information, speaker bios, and more. Attendees may access the app via their smartphone or tablet. Your mobile app ad will rotate throughout the entire event for up to 9 seconds each view. Please use these specifications when submitting your banner ad in two sizes:
- Smartphone: 640 x 150 pixels, PNG or JPEG
- Tablet: 552 x 150 pixels, PNG or JPEG
You may link the ad to an outside URL starting with http:// or https://. Please submit on or before 15 June 2021.
*Non-profits located in lower and middle income countries may request information about other rates.
Please read the following information carefully.
Your completion of an online application to advertise or sponsor conveys your acceptance of and willingness to abide by these provisions as outlined.
Acceptance of Applications: Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Inc. (Sigma) reserves the right to decline any applications at its sole discretion.
Cancellation Policy: Full refunds will be given with written notice of cancellation received on or before 30 April 2021. In the event it becomes necessary to relocate, reformat and/or revise dates for the 2021 International Nursing Research Congress for any reason, sponsorship and advertising payment obligations contained in this agreement shall be retained unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties. In the event it becomes necessary to cancel said event, payments will be applied to the following event or refunded as requested.