Scientific Committee

Kasia Czabanowska, PhD, Dr. habil, MA, Professor in Public Health Leadership and Workforce Development, Maastricht University 

Emily McWhirter, PhD, RN, Nurse Consultant, World Health Organization Office of the Chief Nurse 

Elizabeth Madigan, PhD, RN, FAAN, Global Nursing Consultant; Former Chief Executive Officer, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing  

Barbara Stilwell, PhD, MS, BSocSc, RN, RHV, FRCN, FAAN, Nurse Consultant, former Executive Director Nursing Now Campaign  

Review Panels

  1. Expert Panel: Comprised of 14 nurses with a purposeful selection for representation from all regions of the world with a particular focus on lower and middle income countries and early career nurses who are often left out of these kinds of initiatives. The expert panel included both men and women from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cook Islands, Egypt, Germany, Guyana, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Mongolia, Philippines, Uganda, and the United States.   

  2. Delphi Raters: Included 49 healthcare professionals including midwives, nurses, doctors, academics, and researchers. Again, raters from lower and middle income countries were selected. The raters represented 32 countries including Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Egypt, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, Ireland, Israel, Jordon, Kenya, Lebanon, Malawi, Mongolia, Nauru, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Samoa, Solomon Island, South Africa, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vanuatu, and Zambia. 

  3. Peer Review Panel: Alan Myles, consultant, former Head of Education Development, Royal College of Nursing, London U.K.; Darren Shickle, Professor of Public Health, Head of the Academic Unit of Public Health at the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, honorary consultant with Public Health England.


Development of a nursing leadership competency framework to help in assessing existing capacity and capability as well as identifying training requirements of nurse leaders; in planning and arguing for sustainable investment to support nurse workforce development; in developing job descriptions, interview questions, performance evaluation, and quality assurance systems; and in fostering collaboration across disciplinary and organizational boundaries. 

Finalization Date

The first version of the framework was released 1 July 2023.

Future Plans 

Users of the framework are asked to provide feedback on its utility and use in the field. The developers are asking users for feedback on the overall framework, the competencies, and the behavioral indicators. This information will be used to revise and refine the framework. It is intended to be a living document.  

Key Words

Nursing leadership; Global framework; Leadership competencies