Research Grants

Contribute to the advancement of nursing through research – apply for a grant today!

Sigma Repository

A free digital resource for nurses, nursing students, nursing organizations, schools of nursing, and hospitals/healthcare systems. Authors may submit a wide variety of research and evidence-based practice materials while retaining copyright. (formerly known as the Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository)

Sigma Research Resources

Discover Sigma's wide array of resources geared toward researchers, including books and continuing nursing education online courses.

Calls for Abstracts

View calls for abstracts from nursing organizations around the world to see how you can contribute to nursing through research.

International Collaborative Research Guidelines

Advancing the scientific base of nursing practice through research, dissemination of research findings, and fostering global linkages and collaborative relationships among nursing scholars, leaders and practitioners.

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Archives

Sigma Records, 1920-2005, Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives, IUPUI University Library, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis (Collection ID MSS051).