Sigma Nursing Contributing Professional Development (NCPD) Opportunity:
The opportunity for NCPD contact hours expires on the date listed in the individual item record (i.e., three (3) years from the Repository Posting Date).
To earn NCPD contact hours for this webinar you must view the recording in its entirety and complete the end of activity evaluation.
To access this NCPD opportunity, log in to your My Courses Dashboard using your Sigma username and password.
After logging in, click "Earn Contact Hours for a Webinar You've Viewed" to learn how to search the Catalog and self-enroll in the webinar course.
To create a FREE account, please visit www.sigmalearning.org and click on "Create an account."
NCPD questions? Please contact education@sigmanursing.org.
Accreditation: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.